Rameau – Symphonies à deux clavecins

Skip SempéPierre Hantaï

Rameau - Symphonies à deux clavecins
Rameau - Symphonies à deux clavecins

Rameau – Symphonies à deux clavecins

Skip SempéPierre Hantaï

Composer  Rameau

Genre  Chamber music

Format  CD

Release date  28 août 2012

Download the booklet Buy the CD|20.00 €

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presentation of the album

Composer  Rameau

Genre  Chamber music

Format  CD

Release date  28 août 2012

Download the booklet

The numerous instrumental pieces or ‘symphonies’ found in the dramatic works of Rameau are remarkably effective on the harpsichord; the composer himself, with his transcription of Les Indes galantes, invites other musicians to perpetuate this tradition. Seizing on the formidable array of material available in the operas, Pierre Hantaï and Skip Sempé take evident delight in revealing, on their two harpischords, the immense richness of music that is full of surprises and imagination.